My Services
How I can help you on your prenatal and postpartum journey
Birth & Postpartum Doula
With my Birthing Guidance, I offer unwavering support to you and your family before, during and after birth. I will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and step in with anything you might need.
Lactation Support
Whether you are having issues with milk supply, latching difficulties or just want support while navigating baby's feeding, I will work with you providing guidance and assurance. We will go over methods so that you and baby are successfully breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
Prenatal Education
I take on a limited number of clients at any one time to make sure I can give you the full care and attention you deserve. By offering Prenatal Visits, my goal is to reduce any stress, allowing you to pay attention to your body and your baby.